Saturday, June 02, 2007

Row Boats and Rocky Shores

I left out a detail about our trip to Isla del Sol that´s been nagging me ever since I left the internet joint last night. Instead of taking a boat directly from Copacabana to the island, as most people do, we decided to hike17 kilometers to a small village that is directly across the straight from the island, where we heard we could also catch a boat. The hike was lovely, but we got a late start, and it was starting to get dark when we reached the town before our final destination. Luckily we were approached by a young man who said he had a boat and could take the four of us to the island for 80 Bolivianos. We talked him down to 40, then walked to his house to discover that the boat in question was a row boat. We payed a little over a dollar each for he and his father to row us for over an hour to the island.
It was a beautiful trip, beginning in a shallow bay full of reeds, witnessing the sun setting into the lake, and ending on a rocky shore, illuminated by moonlight. Halfway through the trip we had to stop to repair a leak in the boat with a rag and a scythe, bailing it out a few times in route for added excitement. It was lovely and probably one of my fondest memories of the trip so far. That´s all. I feel better now.


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